After a successful first Yoga Bowl, thank you pioneer yoga bowlers! I am thrilled to announce our next date is Wednesday, July 6, where Jonathan Oh will be our live DJ!
Ever wanted to walk across the red foul line when you're bowling? Now is your chance! Roll out your mat on the lane for an hour of yoga followed by an hour of candlepin bowling. You will be led through a lively asana practice that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to for a little friendly competition. We will be sure to pay special attention to the hips and shoulders so you feel loose and ready to strike. Bring your socks because after practice you will lace up your bowling shoes for an hour of candlepin, a New England classic.
The evening is all about bringing a fun, playful yoga practice to a new space with great energy. After class unwind and enjoy the company of old friends and new as you hone your bowling skills.
Central Park Lanes is two floors and the whole second floor is reserved for Yoga Bowling.
NEW - Student Discount! If you are a full time student, email for a promo code and receive $5 off.
Questions? Email